Features mentioned in Kknowleys video "Fixing Payday3"

24 votes

Things Kknowley brought up in his latest video:
- Matchmaking / Crimenet
- Offline mode
- Replayabilty from RNG
- Developed skill system

I belive these changes are a priority. Of course we need new weapons and heists etc. but the game is dying not because of those things in my opinion. At this point all heists are the same for each game - same escapes, same objectives, no map variations. Skill system is trash and therefore there are no variations and specializations and therfore no interesting "builds" to make. Matchmaking is the worst, even if You "meet" somebody You had fun playing with, after a heist You get disconnected and thats it. We need proper lobbies. Now when I play with a friend and somebody wants to change the loadout or equipment or whatever You have to go back to the main menu, change it and wait again for a new game to start.

There are many more things but these are in my opinion the most important ones to start enjoying what we have right now.

Multiple Topics Developer Note Feedback Suggested by: Rene1 Upvoted: 09 May Comments: 6

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