Getting the basics right

7 votes

For a multiplayer co-op game the lack of basic features is concerning.

No voice or text chat - how the hell can you organise and coordinate a multiplayer heist without communicating with team mates? 🤦‍♂️.

Inability to kick players - griefers exist there needs to be a vote to kick option.

Server browser - finding heists for your selected difficulty is hard and frankly too time consuming without a server browser... there's a reason all the best multiplayer games use them!.

The main menu UI and the party system is pretty poor, very buggy, lags and freezes a lot and just is not fit for purpose. This is 2024 menu design is kind of a basic thing to get right and the mark has been missed.

The XP challenge system is terrible just devolves the game into an awful grind fest.

Multiple Topics Developer Note Feedback Suggested by: Jon Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 1

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