[Feedback] Include Vote Kick Feature
Have played 4 rounds and met my first troll who wanted to play shootout with the cops and do none of the heist. IDK if their intent was to troll or level skills, but when told to help and they refused, they started to run bags back into the bank.
Comments: 22
22 Sep, '23
Andreas Sebastian ZochUnfortunately, I've also met a troll who had more fun sabotaging the lobby than actually playing the game seriously. I would also really like a vote kick feature.
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24 Sep, '23
Caramel-Specialist MergedPlayers may be uncooperative, or even grief the team. Add votekick or remove friendly fire grenades.
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27 Sep, '23
Anubisman21Today we successfully completed a heist on full stealth but could not finish it. Our 4th member did not go to the “escape area”. We continued to wait for about 20 minutes until we just had to quit and ended up wasting about 45 mins of our time.
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27 Sep, '23
ProxyThis is because of the games progression system. They're not trolling, it's the only way to level up. You're playing the game as anyone would, they're playing the game as the creators intended through incentivising weapon challenges. Though having a kick feature would be good, we'd see less of this if they just fixed the progression system.
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27 Sep, '23
Daniel MergedBeen in so many games now that we have failed cuz 1 player just won't extract after a mission. Is so frustrating.
Also been in so many mission where one or two other players will just ignore the mission to do their own challenges like sliding , doing hostage missions without helping at all and such. Give us a vote to kick. A bot is better then a player who ignores everything -
12 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Add Votekick/Remove Friendly Fire" (suggested by Caramel-Specialist on 2023-09-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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14 Oct, '23
Nathan MergedI really wanna see a vote to kick option and a option to not join rooms with blocked players i decide to block. Im sick of joining a room where there is a player not contributing to the mission. Happens way to much on someone hiding and not helping just to reap the benifits. A AI would be way more helpful then someone that doesnt wanna play the match but just get the rewards
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14 Oct, '23
Thegengiskhan MergedSorry, is not a real bug but cab you ban this player because we waited 30 minutes and he was clearly anti-gaming because when we find a solution to kill this guy he moves to hide more and put shield on him! Please help us against this player
23 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"[feedback] Vote to kick option" (suggested by Daniel on 2023-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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23 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"Maybe a kick vote ?" (suggested by Thegengiskhan on 2023-10-14), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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24 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"Needed improvements" (suggested by Nathan on 2023-10-14), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Dec, '23
DevSick of campers who go afk and don't do anything to advance the objectives. Then when you want to finish the heist, they don't even come to the escape.
05 Jan, '24
CyberUrgently needs a kick feature. Everyone just remains AFK nowadays hoping everyone else will do this hiest for them.
23 Apr, '24
Bryan MergedWhether in game or at menu...it's impossible to leave the party or even kick members from the party. I've had to close out my game entirely to leave.
Also being able to change party leader would be nice as well. -
24 Apr, '24
Snaex Admin"Add ability to kick members or leave party." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-04-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Jun, '24
Seanjust had my first one, someone was trying to hold the heist hostage on under the surface. had to wait for him to go into custody to leave the hiest
03 Jul, '24
Raine MergedI just got out of a cook off where a player wasted all of our armor and medic bags by running outside and dying over and over, they then went afk while holding the last ingredient meaning we either left with all bags but 1 (losing the all bags bonus) or sat there and waited for them to come back or die. We ended up all dying and wasting 50 minutes of our time. Me and the other two players were talking in text chat wishing we could just kick them and get a bot (which would have been leagues more useful then this real human player).
04 Jul, '24
Snaex Admin"Add vote to kick" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-07-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Jul, '24
P4piro MergedI Think its the third or second time i fell with a troll, guy won't complete the objectives, Just put it back, its was already in the last game.
08 Jul, '24
Snaex Admin"Vote Kick" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-07-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Aug, '24
Sol_3Really really necessary feature. I have had multiple heists where users are trolling through deliberately clearing others keypad entries, blocking objectives by taking required items from heists and refusing to enter the escape area at the end.
14 Aug, '24
Kainn64I say this as respectfully as I can. Hurry the sweet FUCK up with this function. It is WAY too easy to grief in this game and there's an abundance of man-children playing who do all kinds of fuckery just to annoy people or to throw a temper tantrum. Killing tied civilians, holding on to mission critical items and not using them or killing mission critical civs, using up armor and medbags when healthy just to waste resources, sitting in a room AFK and letting everyone else do all the work,
Reporting them is one thing, but the fact a "feature" like this isn't something that should've been in the game since day when it's entirely up to a player's whim whether or not they want to be cooperative in a coop game is unacceptable.
Just hotfix it. I'm not interested in waiting for some DLC to drop and have it be included in it. Get it sorted already.
And while you're at it, make it so they get a soft ban if they get kicked from X games within a certain time period or something.