Ideally speaking...

10 votes

While Payday 3 is a good game generally speaking, there is definitely a lot of room for improvement. Realistically I would have been happy with a game closer to payday 2 but with the updated Payday 3 movement. That includes the weapons shop, loadout customization, mask customization,, outfits, infamy, skill trees, achievements, etc. Payday 2 nailed it for the most part, very little needed to be changed.
Also, a big thing that pushes me away from this game after a while of playing is the lack of player hosted lobbies (the ability to limit the level of players that can join, host kick, stealth prompt, etc.) There's nothing worse than trying to stealth a difficult heist and having some idiot drop in and toss a grenade by accident or use all your pagers.

Multiple Topics Developer Note Feedback Suggested by: Connor Walcott Upvoted: 25 Jan Comments: 2

Comments: 2