A few things I would like PAYDAY 3 to add/bring back

8 votes

- Ammo Contour
- Lobby continuation (Staying together after matches)
- Multiple Day heists/Escapes! (More into the heists instead of 20-30 minutes of wave based matches)
- Crew Stats (Show every ones stats at the end of the match)
- Make Weapon XP easier? (Should be no reason I have 10 hours with the CAR-4 and only level 15 out of 29)
- Bring back Hand Saw! (Staple in the game)
- More secondaries than just a pistol. (I think having at least small "shotty" or SMG would help with wanting to run a sniper-like build)
- Be done with the "Wi-fi hacking" (Standing in circles to progress heist is lazy imo)
- Being able to command bots (Making them wait at Obj's & etc.)
- Possibly Bring back Crime.net! & Offline play/Private lobbies hosting off party leader. (New Heist selection screen can be annoying by not remembering your options like: "Toggle Cutscenes." Making it annoying to have to scroll all the way to the end everytime to reselect a heist.)

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