Big changes

15 votes

Pre Planning and deployables.
Pre planning isn't as well done as it was in payday 2 so I'm wondering if we should bring back the big pre planning page where you could scout out the map and place items in certain locations because right now its a bit all over the place.

Another thing would be more legacy heists and I know we've already added some but I feel like it would good to try bring back a little bit more like 'Harvest and Trustee bank' or 'Big Bank' as well as some more weapons and different leveling. Maybe achievement unlocks i really enjoyed that for big bank.

We haven't had any class that adds high risk high reward or movement capabilities as well, like you can move %30 faster but only have a primary weapon, the lighter your armour is the more dodge you have similar to payday 2's dodge chance like you have like %30 base for unlocking the skill tree then it would add an extra %10 on certain unlocks.

I hope to see some of this make it into the game, hopefully.

Multiple Topics Developer Note Feedback Suggested by: Jerone Upvoted: 07 Feb Comments: 1

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