I found a bug when you reach a certain amount of money in $

10 votes

Hello everyone

I found a bug in payday 3 when you get 2,147,483,647 in $ (maximum number you can get for a 32 bits system) it just become negative and you cant buy anything anymore so you're blocked,

And yes, restarting the game dont do anything, still have the negative amount of money

PS : see the screenshot for see what i have now and when i get money from a heist, i just earn it but the amount of money reduces and does not increase

In short : I just earned more than 2,147,483,647$ in the game and after finishing a heist, it became negative and now the money decrease xD, i have -2,140,000,000$ now because i done few heist, but it seem that its just a visual bug, after few restarts, i can buy things again, even if price appear in red and my money still decrease lol

Thanks for reading me !

Open for Discussion Bug Suggested by: Blablacc40 Upvoted: 29 Jan Comments: 0

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