[Bug] Achievement not unlocking (Update 1.01)

30 votes

Arts and Crafts

It is not possible to unlock Steam achievement "Arts and Crafts". I've already tried various combinations, different masks, different patterns and paint - non of these works. My friend started the gameplay with me on the same day and it got unlocked for him, but not for me. Based on the steam community entries and other websites it's not a single case but at least hundreds of other players are affected.

How to Reproduce: Enter the game, buy and customize a mask ->  "Arts and Crafts" achievement is NOT unlocking properly.

Potential logical cause is that at the time when you were experiencing a high server load and servers were constantly crashing - the game could not sync the changes with steam servers. It means in game the achievement is already unlocked but due to the fact it was not synced with steam in time therefore it's not possible to unlock it anymore as the state between platforms is inconsistent. Potential solution? Resync the data between Payday and Steam?

Open for Discussion Bug Suggested by: DrHome93 Upvoted: 03 Apr Comments: 23

Comments: 23