[Bug] issues with mosconi-12, ammo funnel, replenish, scrounger

31 votes

Auto-reload currently breaks certain loadouts, primarily mosconi-12+ammo funnel+replenish.

When shooting the last bullet in a weapon auto reload triggers even if ammo funnel would refill the gun. This is seen in the attached GIF, when killing with 1/2 shots remaining the gun auto reloads then behaves as expected when killing with 2/2 shots remaining.

How to reproduce - Trigger ammo funnel+replenish with your last shot.

I believe this occurs because auto-reload is triggered client side and ammo funnel+replenish is triggered server side. The delay between server and client forces an auto-reload before the ammo is given to the player. This could either be fixed with a toggle to disable auto-reload, or a check if ammo funnel would trigger before an auto-reload starts.

Open for Discussion Bug Suggested by: Hunter Upvoted: 29 Apr Comments: 22

Comments: 22