[Bug] Disappearing bags
Description - I was playing with a friend in the first heist, we arrived in the vault packed the bags but when we throw them they just instantly disappear.
How to Reproduce - Listed above
Additional information - All settings in ultra for both of them with DLSS on (Quality)
Couldn't take a screenshot
Comments: 35
02 Aug, '23
Bamknife MergedThe money bags disappear when silently Openeing the vault. They disappear after interacting and then dropping them in the vault room.
02 Aug, '23
Nite smeary MergedI was the doing the heist someone joined after we started the heist and when anyone but him moved a bag it would disappear
03 Aug, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"Bug bags Disappearing" (suggested by Nite smeary on 2023-08-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Aug, '23
H3M MergedOh boy this brings me back to the good old desync issues in Payday 2
05 Aug, '23
ElDallos Mergedi just got the bug on my last run (hard difficulty), didn't had this bug in very hard and overkill difficulty somehow
06 Aug, '23
Bruh MergedMine disappeared while trying to drop them but I wasn’t in or near the vault
07 Aug, '23
Kiki Kantus MergedWhen you drop a bag on tied civilians, it just disappears, you can not even get it back.
08 Aug, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"Bug" (suggested by Kiki Kantus on 2023-08-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Sep, '23
Ristorotta Mergedif you pickup a "ruined" money bag before you pick up a normal one the normal ones will disappear if you throw them. Edit: idk what the problem is but the normal ones keep disappearing :thonkers:
09 Sep, '23
Cr3xX MergedYes Same happend to me now. Just did it silent but cant finish because only the marked bags will appear after throwing them. Not only those in the extra room in the safe, also those from the deposit boxes.
I should have let the paint explode. haha -
09 Sep, '23
PapaPtheves MergedThe zipline bag and sometimes money bags disappear completely from the world after throwing them.
12 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Bug] Problem with the bags in No rest fo the Wicked" (suggested by Ristorotta on 2023-09-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Bug] Random bags randomly disappear after setup or thrown and cant be retrieved" (suggested by PapaPtheves on 2023-09-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Sep, '23
Cjohns MergedSame problem as Remo shared in the video. The money in even in the deposit boxes would disappear when thrown, only the ones that are ruined from dye packs I was able to take to the van in stealth. I recorded a clip of it
21 Sep, '23
Toaster MergedStill happens in e.g. "Rock The Cradle" but it seems only selected bag types are affected in not every but some playthroughs. In my case, the bags: coke and painting were affected, but money bags were just fine
23 Sep, '23
Vee MergedDropping any bag in no rest for the wicked causes it to vanish and i ended up softlocking without even realizing on stealth
25 Sep, '23
Demon025Paintings in Rock the Cradle seems to disappear often
26 Sep, '23
OutlawMonkey MergedI did just spend 35 Minutes securing all the loot in Surphaze. I used a Zipline to transport the loot to the trashcan near the van. I got all of it, used the Zipline to go to the Van. Brought all the loot to the van. The last bag i picked up dissapeared before i could through it into the van, now i'm stuck in the mission and can't finish it cause it was one of the mission required loot bags. 35minutes for nothing cause the lootbag just dissapeared.....
27 Sep, '23
27 Sep, '23
Kamiloo13I had the same issue, and it appears to be quite rare and extremely hard to reproduce. It happened to me only once during the "Rock The Cradle" heist, but only with coke bags; other types of bags such as money and paintings worked perfectly fine. This seems like a rendering problem, but it might be a much deeper problem because those coke bags dropped inside the secure area didn't count in the end score.
05 Oct, '23
Cybeija MergedDescription - On the heist Rock the Cradle some lootbags disappear when throwing them on the ground. Afterwards the player can no longer interact with them. Guards seem to still see them and call alarm. In multiplayer it seems that some player can be able to still see the bag whilst other can't.
How to Reproduce - As we mostly go in silent, only on overkill and always use a similar route, I am unable to pin point what could cause the bug exactly. Therefore a short description of the route I take when playing solo: I enter the building through the kitchen side entrance, sneak all the way to the end of the hallway, into the small room next to the red VIP door which is locked by the blue keypad. I lure the guards away from their post, grab the key card and go through the door before they turn around. After that the bug seem to be randomly happening when picking up any pack of coke on the lower level. -
06 Oct, '23
TheTrueMCGamerI had this issue, for me it only happened with zipline bags.
06 Oct, '23
Shievo Admin Merged"[BUG] Loot bag disappear / get invisible - Raid: Rock the Cradle" (suggested by Cybeija on 2023-10-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Bug] dropping bags causes them to vanish and become invisible" (suggested by Vee on 2023-09-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Oct, '23
Elegant MergedIt’s happened to me in multiple heists. Rock the Cradle. Gold & Sharke. I pick up the loot and when I throw it, it disappears but my teammates can still see it. It’s like happening to the individual player
17 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"[Bug] Loot dissapears Surphaze" (suggested by OutlawMonkey on 2023-09-26), including upvotes (2) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
17 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"bug when i drop bag of loot" (suggested by n1 Chxpqz on 2023-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Nov, '23
Forceawakens4 MergedIn rock the cradle coke bags, and specifically only them, disappear when dropped. Series X, solo invite only
03 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin"[BUG] Coke bags disappear when dropped" (suggested by Forceawakens4 on 2023-11-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Nov, '23
Bongsndongs MergedMe and my mate spent 4 hours until we had successfully steathily infiltrated the 'No rest for the wicked' heist, and once we had gotten to the room where you have to disable the ink on the money bags, we had picked up the money bags to deliver them. Only to find out that when we threw the money bags they would disappear! And you can't retrieve the invisible bags, they simply disappear. I am so disappointed
06 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin"money bags disappearing" (suggested by Bongsndongs on 2023-11-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin"[Bug] Bag loot disappear" (suggested by Bamknife on 2023-08-02), including upvotes (43) and comments (20), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Nov, '23
Zizor MergedSadly i couldnt get it on replay due to me reinstalling my drivers the other day, but basicly i threw the first bag around the inner side of the left door (not very accurate, you can do it basicly anywhere along the door in that spot) when i was gonna grab the 2nd one from its container, and the bag just disappeared. We managed to accurately replicate it with the 2nd bag, causing us to get softlocked in the heist.
Location: West side, 2nd "floor" container closest to the fenceline, northern/front corner of the yard. -
19 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin"99 Boxes Disappearing Bags / Softlock" (suggested by Zizor on 2023-11-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.