[Feedback] Add a server browser (i.e. crime.net), a post-game lobby, and lobby chat
These features present in PAYDAY 2, will significantly boost the community and bring a lot more enjoyment and longevity to myself and others alike, and the current lack thereof nullifies any sense of community.
After experiencing most of the heists on offer, many like to jump into populated servers regardless of heist/difficulty, for the sake of experiencing them with others (in turn being exposed to different approaches), as well as, sticking together and communicating post-game.
Comments: 12
23 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin PinnedHere is a list of unique posts that cover the topics! Feel free to upvote or leave a comment!
https://payday3.featureupvote.com/suggestions/494055/feedback-text-chat-in-lobby -
22 Sep, '23
Michai agree !
I am new to the whole franchise and i got so many questions during heists ( what to do or not ,when, and how to do it ) .
impossible .
would indeed be nice to be able to stay in the say team , and thank them properly . -
23 Sep, '23
AbuA post-game lobby would be sick. Like a shooting range or something.
24 Sep, '23
ColluceusYes please! I don't want to guess which heist is most popular right now so I can have a chance to end up in a lobby where I am not all alone (because the bots really do not help a lot on very hard and up).
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07 Oct, '23
EztarioBringing back Crime.net from Payday 2 would be way better then the current system.
4 -
06 Nov, '23
Seranda Merdochimagine making a coop game and not including the necessities to cooperate, and CONTINUE cooperating once you find competent people you enjoy playing a match with. PD2's search options that were ended by the "end" of its life should have set the groundwork for PD3.
Also if they add kick they need to add player level limits as an option, so low level players cant join matches they'll get kicked from anyway. -
07 Dec, '23
HoboWe need all of that an also a better way to pick missions maybe another map maybe a globe of the world and u pick all over the world I jus hate the way we pick then rn
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17 Jan, '24
BrandonMake coop game do Coop....
Crime net!
Exit lobby!
I can't even coordinate with console players.
It's completely ridiculous I can't communicate with playerbase and after a good heist you force disband the group. What!? -
19 Jan, '24
BertlorI'm not 100% sure we need a full browser (ie; Crime.NET) since you're already picking a heist that you want to run, however, I do think we need a filter added for LOUD/STEALTH which isn't incorporated into the current selector/options.
A post-game lobby would be amazing! There are many times I've met randoms that run the heist very efficiently and would love to continue heisting with them, however, to track their Nebula name AND/OR Steam/PS4/XBox handle to send a friend invite that might or might not be seen by them until later makes running multiple heists with the original random group almost impossible. It would be great to see an option in the mission summary to "Return to Main with Lobby" (the current 4 members) or "Return to Main with Party" (only the 2-3 friends you might be partied with).
The last topic hits up the 2nd as well for those friend invites to the random you just played with... if they see your invite and join you, how do you coordinate the next heist of interest? -
29 Jan, '24
noah> I'm not 100% sure we need a full browser (ie; Crime.NET) since you're already picking a heist that you want to run, however, I do think we need a filter added for LOUD/STEALTH which isn't incorporated into the current selector/options.
crime.net just offered an overall better experience in my opinion. Selecting a Heist in crime.net was a fun interaction and never got boring. Now its just a simple scroll and click thing. -
18 Mar, '24
h3mYeah the lack of crime.net is one of the biggest reasons people stopped playing. It's why all my friends stopped atleast. It's simply impossible to find any lobbies.
28 Mar, '24
SeriousMawriThere are many people playing and I would like to join and help but with the matchmaking is almost impossible to find people without searching many heist and difficulties. Something like the server browser like Deep Rock Galactic or the crime.net map like PD2 would be the best.