Move Weapons, Masks, Outfits & Gloves in Inventory / 'Discard' Bugs

25 votes

The swap feature (& click&drag feature with mods) for inventory items in Payday 2 was a great feature for someone who likes to set up their collection of weapons and masks the way they want. This feature would also be highly appreciated since if you discard a weapon or mask, there's just a gap left in your inventory.

There's also a bug where your loadout will have 0 items unlocked (something I experienced until restarting my internet). If you buy a weapon slot and a weapon while you have this bug you can no longer discard that purchased weapon. The OG American Dream mask also has the Discard option, which is an issue because if you discard the mask there's likely no way to get the mask back.

Multiple Topics Bug Feedback Suggested by: dlplumer31 Upvoted: 01 May Comments: 1

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