[Bug] Matchmaking/Lobby errors & issues
My friends and I are having serious troubles matchmaking together. We can all join a party together (albeit after much troubleshooting), but not all of us see the matchmaking progress after the leader queues us. Additionally, the person who does not see the matchmaking is left in the lobby while the rest of the party gets put into a game with a random.
Comments: 149
02 Aug, '23
bardokson Mergedi tired to leave a match during the preparation, and the game didn't load, until the match started, so i was stuck for 30 seconds.
03 Aug, '23
Charles MergedWe tried more than one hour to start a party with 4. The invite or join system is broken.
It took a lot of attempts to party up and after that we cant start a match. -
03 Aug, '23
robyerts Mergedkeeps crashing for me as well with the same error, but after that, when loading the mission
04 Aug, '23
des Mergedi'm sure someone has said this before but it won't display me as being in-game 80 percent of times i join a lobby. i'm then kicked for connection issues.
04 Aug, '23
Shievo Admin Merged"[Bug] Matchmaking errors" (suggested by des on 2023-08-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Aug, '23
Casper MergedI have the same problem when i start the matchmaking my game crashes.
05 Aug, '23
ExCable MergedWhen I click matchmake nothing happens
05 Aug, '23
The8thdeadlysin MergedI click matchmake and instead of saying up the top, matchmaking (?/4) players, it does nothing
05 Aug, '23
CEO of Disneyland MergedThe only way i can connect to my frind is by clicking on "Join the game" when we are in the same party. Even when i accept the in-game invitation message there's no effect.
05 Aug, '23
Gastonsa MergedI have exacly the same error message, I connot play more than 4min in game
06 Aug, '23
Deadman_Laughing MergedHello,
When playing my game freezes for up to 2 minutes and then I get the matchmaking error issue.
I'v been trying to play for 1h30 and I still can't play a single mission to the end. At most I get to play 5-10 minutes before I get kicked out of the game. -
06 Aug, '23
GenmushanLord MergedUnable to Matchmake after partying up with a Friend, he previously invited me to a group, attempted to match make and I failed to load in, after I failed to load in I re-made the party and could no longer match make
07 Aug, '23
Carton MergedHave also tried matchmaking with friends, only the party leader got into a game and had to go to friends list to use the "join the game" function instead of being able to match into same lobbies.
07 Aug, '23
Shievo Admin Merged"[BUG] Marchmaking error, can't play more than a few minutes" (suggested by Deadman_Laughing on 2023-08-06), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Aug, '23
REESEScups MergedMatchmaking is currently broken on Xbox. I loaded up the game and pressed heists, I didn’t wait for the girl to stop reading the description. I pressed MATCHMAKE on hard, and then after a minute I pressed B to quit matchmaking and instead I went back to the heist selection screen. I tried to matchmake again and it wouldn’t respond even if I did press MATCHMAKE again. It did cancel Matchmaking as I went all the way back and didn’t see Cancel, instead I saw Heists. It did the same for Very Hard, I can’t seem to get into a match. I am using an Xbox Series X that is relatively new with decent internet connection, I have not experienced any lag in the past.
08 Sep, '23
Messiah Prince Mergedwhen I que up for a match it says looking for match, then freezes, then says there was an error and is on repeat. Also when it does work for a bit the timer for looking for match doesnt go up
08 Sep, '23
Dionys MergedTimeyta can’t be invited to the lobby, also when he succeeds he is not visible in the room along with him, also when searching for a game, I find the game and he still remains in the lobby, also some problems with the font size when registering an account There are also constant problems with the connection and the selection of players, I was not able to play more than one game at the moment of launch
08 Sep, '23
MapleViking MergedIf a player fails to join a game (have not tried this with a party yet) then you can't switch your loadout or add any preplanning items for the lobby or for any lobby you join until you restart the game. Also when you go to join a new game the waiting timer just stays at 00:00 until a game is found
To recreate just load into a game and have one player fail to join
Additional information:
GPU: Radeon RX 6800 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
RAM: 32GB of 3600hmz DDR4
Network: 115MB/s Download and upload -
08 Sep, '23
RudolphHitHer MergedWhen on the lobby where it displays your character pressing A will not work, so you cannot start a heist and pressing the 3 lines button will not allow you to open the social menu.
08 Sep, '23
Teran MergedWhen matchmaking with a group of 2 players, a player in the party does not fully load (no character model) and displays as a high/currently impossible level (e.g. 1110). The person who entered the party into matchmaking loads normally. If the party backs out of matchmaking and reenters, the matchmaking button does not function.
08 Sep, '23
SuperKittyStudios MergedAs seen in the image, other players can move and interact with the game. They can complete the heist, while I am completely stuck in the "Getting Ready" phase. Attempted restarts and Verification of steam files provide nothing.
Unsure how to reproduce, it just keeps happening on launch. -
08 Sep, '23
Josh MergedFor some reason every time I try to matchmake and load into a lobby, some of the lobby's models are a-posing, some of the models won't even load in, and sometimes it's just a mask. I can't select anything, and when I ready up the game doesn't process that I'm ready. I'll click the ready button and it'll disappear, but my status still says "Not Ready" and when I tried doing it with a friend, he said that I wasn't ready. I hope this is helpful dev team!
09 Sep, '23
MrUpsidedownington MergedI can't play a second game in my party. We got kicked out of the first party after the heist and when we go to make a new one we can't join. After a while we got to join but then can't matchmake together.
09 Sep, '23
Nomn Nomn MergedDescription - If you form a party at the main menu, then start to search for a matchmaking session, all members of the party do not join the session.
How to Reproduce -
- Invite other players to party at main menu via Steam (party size tested at 3 and 4)
- Party leader starts a search for a matchmaking session
- When party leader enters the matchmaking session, then all party members do not join the same session.
Additional information - PC/Steam -
09 Sep, '23
Ankit Sompura MergedI had a friend join my party and then we tried to matchmake. Clicked the button numerous times with nothing happening. Restarted my game and I was able to matchmake alone. Could not matchmake alone after I left the party so had to restart game.
09 Sep, '23
Aurora Mergedmy friend and I have been playing together and after the last match we keep getting the failure sending party invite error from both sides we are both pc thru steam and have not encountered this issue prior. We both have restarted to no effect tried joining via steam friends list as well no effect.
09 Sep, '23
Leif MergedI want to invite my friend to a party because we were having issues. I invited once and he didn't receive it. So like any normal person i kept inviting til he got it. I'd say i hit it roughly 10-20 times. No only did he not join, every time I restart the game and log in he's immediately invited even when im still loading
09 Sep, '23
Apple MergedUnable to private co-op except there's a slot for the party in game (where the game had already started).
Unable to party message when in lobby.
Unable to join game using steam game joining. -
09 Sep, '23
Capcake MergedLobby had 2/4 players in it, Friends trying to join off of in-game freinds list resulted in a loading screen, then error lobby is full.
We starting matchmaking, found a lobby then joined off of each other. When lobby because 2/4 it wouldn't let anyone else join. If someone left, another could join. We cycled all 3 of us leaving and it wasn't related to a specific person. Odd person out got error every time, even after restarting their game or trying different lobbies. -
09 Sep, '23
DarkMatteron MergedMenu claims to be searching for a match but search timer is missing and difficulty switcher is still present
09 Sep, '23
jeff Mergednote: i know parties are disabled. we tried *before* we knew that
I was playing fine earlier by myself. My roommate installed the beta and tried to join me, but now the game is stuck in matchmaking limbo. I keep receiving party invite notifications from him long after we stopped trying to join each other. I gave up, turned off my computer, and he is *still* receive invite notifications from me while I'm not even online anymore.
now, after several restarts, blocking each other in the social menu, etc, we are still unable to matchmake -
09 Sep, '23
Pandaxa MergedI have played a Normal and Hard matches and now I am unable to start any matches, the matchmaking timer starts at 00:00 then disappears, after 10 minutes of waiting the game reports a matchmaking error. I tried relogging, restarting PC, shutting the PC down, restarting router, validating game files with no resolution.
09 Sep, '23
SnafuAl MergedPartying up in the open beta does not seem to be working correctly, as there is no guarantee that all party members will matchmake into the same lobby. The more members in the party, the more consistent this is.
To replicate, form a party of 3 or 4 players and attempt to matchmake. In our experience, this works correctly 25% of the time with 3 players and 0% of the time with 4 players, being entirely unable to all get into the same lobby. -
09 Sep, '23
Dmytro MergedWhen we try to invite to party each other, seems liek we're joinjing to party of each other. Like he;s join my party, i joined to my friend party and then we couldn't find game, button just isn't work. Party invites com's with big delay and we don't see that we are in party or not. Fix it please. I wanna play this game i love it and buy ultra premium edition. FIX IT!!! WITH LOVE FROM UKRAINIAN GAMERS/PAYDAY LOVERS!!!
09 Sep, '23
Dmytro MergedRestore old party system from payday 2 when we see how's joining to my party, so i can look at them like before, please
09 Sep, '23
PappalardiumDell MergedHappens on pc too, not for everyone it seems, a friend told me he can play just fine
09 Sep, '23
UlfMeansWolf MergedI tried to Matchmake with a friend via the in game party system but we didnt recieve them
We tried the steam join game and got into a party but it only showed to one of us and we couldnt find a lobby anymore
And now we cant join any lobbies anymore, neither alone, nore in a party and invites from the other randomly keep popping up even though we didnt send any
It worked yesterday now its hell -
09 Sep, '23
Nickerb MergedI can't start any match cause matchmaking took forever (waited now for 2 hours) but also I can't tell if my game is really broken or not but there also no singleplayer to try stuff out wich I could start?
I already did verify my files a few times and never found anything.
Hope you have any Idea for me cause like this I can't test it -
09 Sep, '23
lauchlan Mergedwhenever i try matchmake it just doesn't work and i will be waiting 10 minutes just for nothing
09 Sep, '23
Niko MergedMy friend and i try to play together, and can invite eachother just fine. however when the host launch, the other person doesn't join the matchmaking or the game.
09 Sep, '23
Chad MergedFrom upon release of the Open Beta of PayDay 3 I was able to play with the public and small amount of the invite system (PC Platform*). Then after peak hours of population of first day to enable error failing, The game no longer functions to find a single game after. Will keep playing after reboot and more, Cheers.
09 Sep, '23
John MergedJust installed the payday 3 beta and the in-game party system does not work, showing to one of the two party members or both that the party does not exist/ they are not a memeber of the party. Matchmaking does not work when both part of a party or on my own, playing from a starbreeze account connected to steam.