[Feedback] Bring Locke back and maybe kill off Shade

1K votes

Shade reminds me of a wet piece of toast. I don't wanna eat it.

Add a toggleable option that replaces all Shade voice acting with Locke.
Or kill off Shade and bring Locke back, I don't really care.
Shade is lame.

You had a beloved fan favorite voice actor, Locke, towards the end of Payday 2. So logically speaking he should have officially taken over in PAYDAY 3.

But no, instead you bring in a random lady that nobody has ever even heard of. How does it make sense to suddenly replace the voice you are going to be hearing 99% of the time with a random person who nobody cares about? Why didn't you take the literal guy who got awards for best voice actor and such. Do you think Shade is gonna win those awards? No.

Open for Discussion Feedback Suggested by: JimmyChanga Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 10

Comments: 10