Live-action masks suggestion with concept image, showing how Starbreeze can add them to PAYDAY 3.

665 votes

I love the masks we see in PAYDAY: The Heist artworks, PAYDAY: The Web Series and numerous live-action trailers. I would love to see those masks added to PAYDAY 3. How could Starbreeze go about patching live-action masks into PAYDAY 3? I've got an idea that I think could work very well.

I present to you, the "Legend" Masks for Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains. These masks would act as alternative, legendary depictions of their in-game masks, or just give them the "Classic" prefix if you don't like the "Legend" idea. The live-action masks should be fully customizable too, because I think giving the player ability and choice to do so is always appreciated.

I have attached a concept image I've made for Dallas' live action mask, fully implemented into the game. Here's a link to my Reddit post with the remaining previews for Hoxton, Wolf and Chains' live-action masks -

Thx for reading.

Open for Discussion Feedback Suggested by: ShayoX Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 3

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