Purchase favours in heist lobby / purchase favours in bulk
Keep forgetting to restock zipline bags before getting into heists. would be easier if I could buy on demand, or do bulk purchases easier so it's less frequent of an issue.
Comments: 13
02 Aug, '23
Lyd112 MergedYou should either be able to buy more than one favor at once or allow buying favors in the loading lobby.
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05 Aug, '23
ManicMeercat68 MergedAlso if you spam buy them you keep getting them pop up in the top right
10 Sep, '23
Alpha MergedHave an option to buy a large quantities of assets item instead of 1 at a time
13 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Feedback] Buy big quantities of assets" (suggested by Alpha on 2023-09-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Sep, '23
Sol_3 Merged++ Buying favours outside of the lobbies just shouldn't be a thing as it serves no purpose. We should just be able to buy them as and when we need to select them and be able to see all of the possible favours.
20 Sep, '23
skx0liukangx00 MergedBuying favors outside of a game lobby just does not make sense. Agreed with the above comment and would just say that I feel it should go back to how it was in PD2. Buying favors in the game lobby as you are 'pre-planning' the heist (even though that really isn't in the game currently).
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22 Sep, '23
Andreas Sebastian Zoch MergedI want to add that it also would be nice to have a tiny discount on the favors if you buy for exaample 10 at once. I want to suggest to keep 1 favor for 10k but to add a 10 favors for 7.5k option. I think this would also make them used much more in actuall games.
23 Sep, '23
Andreas Sebastian Zoch Merged1 favor times the price of 10k equals a total price of 10k.
10 favorites times the price of 7.5k equals a total price of 75k.
Save 25k or in other words get 2.5 favors for free when buying ten at once. -
23 Sep, '23
Margus Saldre MergedTedious to buy them one by one! Especially how cheap they are
26 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"Buying favors in bulk" (suggested by Margus Saldre on 2023-09-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Buy favors in bulk" (suggested by Lyd112 on 2023-08-02), including upvotes (99) and comments (9), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Jan, '24
ElCabe99 MergedWould be a cool idea to let us buy more than 1 favour at the time.
I think we all agree that it's kinda frustrating when you try to buy, for example, an armor bag favour and you have to purchase one at the time...
As a suggestion, I'd say it could be fixed by adding some kind of slider to select the amount of favours you want to buy. -
26 Jan, '24
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Add an option to buy more than 1 favour at the time" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.