[Feedback] QoL improvements in the Challenges tab (searchbar, sorting, tracking, etc.)
Currently the "Challenges tab" is the core mechanic of progression in the game. To make it easily accessible and more visible/appealing for the player, i'd suggest 3 things i'd like to see getting improved:
1.) Instead of each challenge taking up a space in the categories, their tiers would be summed up into 1 challenge (as seen in the pic i made). This would clean up the Challenge categories and would make us look/see through the challenges easier.
2.) Each tier of the corresponding challenge would be viewable below the challenge's description itself as they would be different clickable icons to go through and see your progression, the completed ones and the future ones. (as seen in the pic)
3.) A searchbar just so we wouldn't have to turn the many-many pages in the Challenges tab and rather, if we want to search for a specific "kill" challenge as an example we could do that. (as also seen in the pic). Example: CAR-4 (in the searchbar) = Lists all the CAR-4 challenges available
Comments: 51
08 Apr, '24
Vintage Admin PinnedThe Challenge System is being re-worked as part of Operation Medic Bag
1 -
21 Sep, '23
Vadagar MergedChallenges = Infamy = Level Increase.
Which means I'm always checking out the challenges that are applicable to me so I can level faster. But searching the "Challenges" categories at the moment isn't the best. The "Heist" category has 64 pages currently! Exploring them needs to be less tedious.
If they were tagged/categorized by mission (e.g. Dirty Ice, Road Rage... etc.) instead of only being in the challenge title that would make viewing/finding them much nicer. Other categories could be "General", "Weapon" (maybe break this down further into "Primary", "Secondary", "Overkill") and "Equipment".
Adding a search bar would be nice too. Which would either search all challenges, or those in the current category and its child-categories. -
21 Sep, '23
Gr33nZ MergedWe need a way to search for currently active challenges on our weapons, aighter by a Filter in the Challenges or a Info while inspecting the weapon.
That would be a hugh and easy QoL change :) -
21 Sep, '23
ViNcEnT12138 MergedEven with the filter, still need to look at more than 10 pages of active challenge every time, it is so hard to finish the specific one.
21 Sep, '23
ViNcEnT12138 MergedEven with the filter, still need to look at more than 10 pages of active challenge every time, it is so hard to finish the specific one.
21 Sep, '23
ViNcEnT12138 MergedEven with the filter, it is still hard to find specific challenge when you looking at 10+ pages.
21 Sep, '23
jay Mergedlooking through all 1000+ challenges is a nightmare with the current sorting and filtering options. it would be helpful if you could filter by heist and by type (ie "dirty ice heist" only, "rowdy completions" only, or "deadeye" only)
22 Sep, '23
Matt MergedYou can only filter challenges currently by: All, Completed, In Progress and Locked. These are very basic. It would be great if you could filter further inside of these already existing filters. Examples would be: Guns, Heists, and Enemies. This would allow you to to find what you are looking for much easier and faster.
22 Sep, '23
Grim MergedCan you add more sort features, such as by specific heists to better find challenges to be completed.
22 Sep, '23
Tig MergedThere should be an option, for all 3 categories, to sort by the Heist/Category/Weapon, or even alphabetically to make it more user friendly. It's quite annoying having to search every page of available challenges looking for a single heist's challenges.
22 Sep, '23
trash MergedPinning a challenge will make it viewable in-game somewhere. Either when you hit ESC or on the UI. That way you can keep track of the challenges you want to complete.
22 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"Challenges" (suggested by Grim on 2023-09-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Feedback] add additional keyword searching funtion for the challenges" (suggested by ViNcEnT12138 on 2023-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Feedback]Need filters, search and track in challenge pages" (suggested by kinshi on 2023-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Feedback] add keyword search funtion for challenge" (suggested by ViNcEnT12138 on 2023-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"Sort challenges" (suggested by Tig on 2023-09-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Feedback] add additional keyword searching funtion for the challenges" (suggested by ViNcEnT12138 on 2023-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Feedback] Challenge" (suggested by Gr33nZ on 2023-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Sep, '23
Fredownsyou MergedThere should be a 'Uncompleted' Grouping as well. To see both In Progress and Locked challenges without the completed one. This would be useful if there was a challenge with progressive tiers (IE: Kill X with Y Weapon) so you can see how far the tree goes.
It would be nice if you could search the challenge list in the game client.
Example: Searching for "Dirty Ice" will list all challenges on the Dirty Ice Heist or "Throwing Knives" to list anything that has to do with the Throwing Knives throwable. -
23 Sep, '23
Maks MergedAs the only way to level up in the game is going through the challenges, it would be great to be able to sort them as per Heist/Weapons/Perk/... so we can track them better and to have a better focus to farm them.
I would aslo be great to have a "Follow" button so we can track them during heist with Tab. -
24 Sep, '23
Gundies MergedIt's a currently a confusing disaster looking through any of the challenge lists. It looks completely random and nonsensical, and the filter option does little to help, especially with heists and combat.
Please fix the default organization, simply group like items together:
- Put all of the combat ones together. Car-4 50 kills, 100 kills, 1000 kills, etc.
- Put the kill x or do x ones together. Defeat shields, slide, deploy bags, etc.
- Put the heist ones by heist. Sulphaze normal x time, hard x times, loud x times, etc. Also ordered in the level order, so no rest, road rage, etc.
- Career ones in order of infamy level required. Current order of 123, 138, 111, 62, etc is awful. Again put the same weapon ones together.
Thank you. -
25 Sep, '23
BLITZ MergedFor example , when entering heist challenges , you have subcategories like general ( something you can do in all maps "trade hostages " ), and then for each map you have its specific challenges .
and for combat challenges you have subcategories based on loadout item " primary W , secondary W , throwable ... ", and challenges will be sorted by weapons .
you need to revisit these menus , at this stage of the game , when you wanna grind and do some specific challenges with some weapons , it's hard to find what you are looking for , -
25 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Feedback] Subcategories in Challenges menus" (suggested by BLITZ on 2023-09-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"[Feedback] Filters for challenges" (suggested by Maks on 2023-09-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin Merged"better filter for challenges" (suggested by jay on 2023-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Sep, '23
Senk3r MergedCould you implement a filter for the challenges for heists? So we can say give me all challenges for heist XYZ.
26 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Sort/Group/Categorize the "Challenges" better and add a search bar" (suggested by Vadagar on 2023-09-21), including upvotes (25) and comments (19), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin"Add Better Filtering for Challenges" (suggested by Matt on 2023-09-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Sep, '23
djari MergedAdd an option to filter out specific heist challenges so we can see what challenges does for example dirty ice have.
26 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin"Add option to pin challenges" (suggested by trash on 2023-09-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '23
Daniel MergedTo sort the challenges by mission or weapons. It's hell to look thru it after every mission cuz it shuffles everything. Checking 7 pages if one weapon got a challenge or not. Comparing what weapon got most challenges so we know what weapon to bring. It can take up to 20min after every game to look thru it. The challenge board is a real mess atm.
We could also need the option to track up to 8 - 10 challenge. Cuz many of us want too level up. And remember everything ingame is not easy. Taking notes on the side of the game isn't right.
I like the game, but it's not that fun having to do all that. -
27 Sep, '23
Daniel MergedWe need the option to sort the challenges.
It's hell to find what weapon to take with us on each mission. Can take up to 20min to find the most efficient setup for progress. And on top of that the challenge board is shuffled after each game. It really needs to be fixed. It's a core feature in the game and it's a total mess.
We also need be able to "favourite" challenges
O also keep the track on the favourited challenges in-game! It's not easy to remember everything and taking side notes isn't an option. It's should be implemented into the game -
28 Sep, '23
Oleg MergedPlease add decent sorting in infamy challenges (by heist, by difficulty, etc.)
Or at least rearrange current challenges. -
28 Sep, '23
OlegI really hope developers will do that sorting, cause now I have to check challenges in excel table.
(And by doing that I was amazed how many challenges didn't progress when I'm surely done them, but that's another story) -
29 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin"Challenge filters" (suggested by djari on 2023-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Infamy challenges sorting" (suggested by Oleg on 2023-09-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Oct, '23
Bauke MergedFollowing your progression on challenges is almost impossible with the current UI. Since challenges are the only way to gain IP (XP), it's very frustrating if you can't quickly find which challenge to complete next to earn IP.
Being able to sort challenges by level, weapon, etc., would greatly improve this. -
02 Oct, '23
MarXKrimzon MergedThe challenges filter (progression/completed/locked) is not enough. The challenges are all over the place. Especially since they are mandatory to progress infamy level.
At least add heist/weapon/stealth/loud/etc. filter. -
13 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"Better default challenge organization" (suggested by Gundies on 2023-09-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"Challenges Filter" (suggested by MarXKrimzon on 2023-10-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"Filter for challenges by heist" (suggested by Senk3r on 2023-09-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Option to sort Challenges by mission and weapons" (suggested by Daniel on 2023-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Better Challenge Sorting" (suggested by Bauke on 2023-10-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Oct, '23
H1kone MergedI would like it if I had the option to check specific weapon challenges when I choose it (loadout menu), because the way all weapon challenges are put in a single page(combat) is so messy.
another solution could be by using filters in combat challenges page and then choosing a weapon to show its challenges. -
17 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"Option to sort and track challenges" (suggested by Daniel on 2023-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
17 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"organize challenge tracking" (suggested by H1kone on 2023-10-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Oct, '23
JJ MergedCould we get tabs for certain weapons/heists/equipment inside the challenges menu?
Having the exp based solely off challenges is made even worse if i'm following a specific one and it jumps around the screen each time i enter the menu.
I suggest having tabs for weapons with their challenges shown only when selected and to only show the challenge that is being worked on at the time (rather than show "get 500 kills with X weapon" before "get 50 kills with X weapon" it shoukd just sjow one and then progress when that challenge is done.
At the moment it is an absolute headache to navigate, i've never seen anything like it. -
24 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"(Feedback) challenges in menu are messy and confusing" (suggested by JJ on 2023-10-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Jan, '24
Winky MergedLove the mechanics of this game. Main problem is lack of content but I know that is being worked out so my suggestion is making th challenges sortable so I have an idea of where to look if I know the title of the challenge or what mission I need to do it in.
22 Jan, '24
Snaex Admin"Ability to sort challenges alphabetically or by mission." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.