[Feedback] Make securing bags more satisfying
In Payday 2 when you secured a bag you'd get a nice noise and you'd see how much you just earned in a little text box, in Payday 3 you don't really get that and it makes securing bags less satisfying so please bring it back.
Comments: 13
05 Aug, '23
Korea MergedWhen securing loot in the van its hard to tell if you've successfully secured it or missed the van to make it easier i was thinking to add a notification like in payday 2.
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20 Sep, '23
Andreas Sebastian Zoch MergedI realy miss that there is a sound when securing your loot. I personally dont mind the visual feedback but i realy enjoyed the quick "loot is secured" sound that played in Payday 2. I want to suggest a Payday 3 veriant of that loot secured Sound.
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22 Sep, '23
MR_CHICKEN_NUGGETAbsolutely little things like this make the game more immersive and fun to play.
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28 Sep, '23
BazingarreyAgreed, this should have been part of the game even thought it's a small feature
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21 Oct, '23
INEXit stupid things like these arent on release and we have to use mods to make the game enjoyable
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01 Dec, '23
Shamoose MergedI miss the visibility of having a value tied to each bag/loose loot secured. This was a feature I appreciated about Payday 2 that I thought would be in Payday 3 at launch. Being able to see the value every time is a rewarding feeling as a player that provides excitement and accomplishment. Being able to see the estimated total in the overlay menu is great as well because it helps the player weigh their decision to be greedy vs leaving with what they need.
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04 Dec, '23
Snaex Admin"Loot secured with value indication" (suggested by Shamoose on 2023-12-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Dec, '23
Goah_Simulator_3Regarding this, I checked the official stream the Syntax Error update the other day and RAL's video.
What I am sending out is, `"I don't need to write down the value, so I want you to notify me that you have secured a loot item.''
I understand that the value of loot items fluctuates depending on various factors such as stealth and loudness. However, it would be helpful if you could just notify me that the bag has been secured.
For example, it could be something like a notification when you make a purchase on BlackMarket, or it could be a PAYDAY2-like pop-up. Even the bottom center of the screen is sufficient.
"[Loot product icon] Secure" This notification alone is sufficient, like this image.
You can make improvements from here. -
11 Dec, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Sound feedback when Loot secured" (suggested by Andreas Sebastian Zoch on 2023-09-20), including upvotes (7) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Dec, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] notifications for loot" (suggested by Korea on 2023-08-05), including upvotes (4) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Dec, '23
kop MergedAn in game bag counter for secured bags would help with people going for all bags. this could be added to the information that comes up when you hit tab (concept image attached)
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13 Dec, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] in game bag counter" (suggested by kop on 2023-12-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 May, '24
h3mYes the lack of visual feedback in this game is currently atrocious in almost every aspect. Even mission objective design (magic wifi circles)