[Feedback] Give FOV settings on consoles.
This needs to be fixed. Going from playing the beta on pc to this is just night and day... let us change our fov on consoles.
Comments: 9
02 Aug, '23
Robert MergedPlease add an FOV slider to Xbox Series S and X.
06 Aug, '23
Cody Mergedthis is something i really need the game to have
19 Sep, '23
Lou4dead MergedCan u add the FOV slider to the console ports please because most people come from newer games with an fov slider and it's hard for them to get used to a lower FOV.
20 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin"Console FOV PS5/XBOX SERIES X/S" (suggested by Lou4dead on 2023-09-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '23
Proxy MergedThere is one
30 Sep, '23
michael Mergedthere is already one on all the consoles
16 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Add FOV slider to Xbox" (suggested by Robert on 2023-08-02), including upvotes (39) and comments (3), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Aug, '24
Xotiic MergedOn console or pc add a bigger range of fov on console scaling to 120 field of view. It gives a better experience and in skill.
23 Aug, '24
Snaex Admin"FOV" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-08-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.