[Feedback] make melee stronger
Melee should do damage
Comments: 26
06 Aug, '23
FizzyAgentMelee stuns enemies and gives you room to reload/run. It is not a damage tool.
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06 Aug, '23
kyrpapappi MergedI hit a guard more than 30 times with melee and he did not even seem to care. To me it doesn't seem realistic that anyone without a helmet can eat up multiple punches to the head without even collapsing or going unconsious.
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06 Aug, '23
RampensteinI tried melee-ing a guard during stealth and it just alerted everyone. Make melee do something in addition to a very slight shove with a minor stagger.
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08 Aug, '23
MORPHEUSMelee should be borderline lethal. It shouldn't just be thing to buy more time. If that's the case you're just wasting time if there's more than 1 cop to deal with.
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10 Aug, '23
Hannibalits funny.
10 Sep, '23
LavenderRebellin MergedSuch as knocking out a guard silently like you could in PAYDAY 2 or having it to where you could only melee once to break glass
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11 Sep, '23
Aussiemandias MergedAs title suggests, being able to kill a guard in stealth without the use of a silenced weapon, but with melee hits instead
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13 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Make melee more powerful" (suggested by LavenderRebellin on 2023-09-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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18 Sep, '23
JvstAce Mergedi guess it's in game and it;s called "Takedown" but i still dont know how this thing works
21 Sep, '23
NameGeophFeels like we're smacking people with a wet noodle. Maybe add melee weapons back?
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22 Sep, '23
Ryan_LightWhat they really need is melee weapons with different damage depending on the weapon like in Payday 2.
27 Sep, '23
StorytellerI tried with a partner to melee a guard in the back and we must have hit him 30+ times until he just casually calls the police
28 Sep, '23
tekMelee isn't meant to deal damage anymore. I understand the mechanic, but I also hate it. Bring back melee.
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28 Sep, '23
howardim sorry but after smacking a guy 16 times with the butt of my pistol his face would be pulp
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30 Sep, '23
Psychie MergedI pistol whipped a standard camera guard 20 times and all he did was flinch. How are you going to not have melee options when like 2 skill decks in payday 2 focused solely on stabbing the shit out of swat.
16 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin"[Bug] Melee does no damage" (suggested by kyrpapappi on 2023-08-06), including upvotes (8) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Give us melee back" (suggested by Psychie on 2023-09-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Nov, '23
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Kill guards with melee hit" (suggested by Aussiemandias on 2023-09-11), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '23
Robstercraw22I know....can't even beat a guard to death with my heavy ass shotty!!!
17 Jan, '24
GrimjudgmentAn easy way to do this would be to allow us to melee to stun a guard to transition into a takedown, which would make takedown skills no longer useless, but the issue is that in loud, takedowns are effectively disabled because guards are considered hostages as soon as you body shield them.
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17 Jan, '24
Pudris MergedI think the game should be a little more punishing if you hit a civilian to much you have a chance of killing him i think they should make them deal actual damage or even do something creative like civilians don't take damage from fists but guards do or like make enemies that have noticed you take less damages from the fists, I hope this gets implemented into the game so it wouldn't be so weird using them
19 Jan, '24
Snaex Admin"Make the fists do damage (v)" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Mar, '24
h3m MergedMelee needs to deal atleast SOME damage, even without a skill line. So at the very least, you can finish cops off when they are low on health. Otherwise it's pretty ridiculous to even have this in the game - exactly like takedowns. Why have these things in the game when they almost literally do nothing?
14 Mar, '24
Snaex Admin"Melee is useless" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-03-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Sep, '24
RickyAs it is melee is completely useless, They need to rework it and add in melee weapons that do damage.
04 Oct, '24
5thTierMelee isn't meant to be some big thing. I find it to be great utility with the staged reload system. Walking away from a crowd, reloading, and stumble into a dude? shove him! The stagger lasts so long that very few weapons wouldn't be ready to fire by the time he gets his bearings. You can also shove multiple cops at the same time, or shove twice. This discussion shouldn't exist, begging for power creep.
EDIT: It could do the smallest amount of damage though. Not even something useful for combat, just enough to kill a dude you've been stunlocking for 10 seconds.