[Feedback] Fire-Mode Select
Bring back the ability to switch between full-auto/burst and select-fire
Comments: 21
21 Sep, '23
NameGeophThis would be huge when trying to be sneaky.
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22 Sep, '23
ruffy Mergedplease add the possibillity to swap between full auto and single shot with weapons wich should be able to do so.
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25 Sep, '23
KolgerMake it so Revolvers can be made Single-Action or Double-Action, you can add this as a customization.
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25 Sep, '23
Stoned69Taco MergedBased on the gun you should be able to switch it to semi auto or burst to save ammo and be a bit more realistic
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26 Sep, '23
JakeThis is a must, i'd much rather use precise singleshots with the ar15 than spray with fullauto and waste considerable amount of ammo. Kinda ruins the immersion because the damn fire selector is right there on the gun, just make it usable.
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27 Sep, '23
StorytellerPress right on the directional pad on a controller. It switches firing mode.
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28 Sep, '23
Snaex Admin"firing mode" (suggested by ruffy on 2023-09-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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16 Oct, '23
Snaex Admin"Certain guns should be able to switch to semi auto or burst" (suggested by Stoned69Taco on 2023-09-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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10 Dec, '23
tukasa MergedI wish it would be possible to switch from continuous fire to single shot.
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11 Dec, '23
Snaex Admin"Implementing selector functionality" (suggested by tukasa on 2023-12-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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30 Apr, '24
Eeby DeebyIn PD2 switching firing modes was super important for managing ammo, and it's surprising that it didn't carry over to pd3 with it doubling down on resource management.
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03 May, '24
DennisThis is definitely needed for the 'FIK 22 TLR' weapon from the Syntax Weapon DLC; that weapon is going to give me hand injuries from clicking for each shot, especially considering a magazine holds 25 bullets, requiring 25 clicks to empty it.
04 Jun, '24
Andri MergedThe ability to switch between auto, burst and single fire, with those amazing payday 3 animations
04 Jun, '24
Snaex Admin"Fire-Mode with animations" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-06-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Aug, '24
RickyHaving a fire mode select not present is kinda of a missed opportunity as well as the attachments that let you convert a gun to Single fire or full auto.
20 Aug, '24
Higgy0110So I was thinking. Instead of adding another hot button for a fire more. What if SBZ just gives firing* 2 states? TAP and it will be single fire, HOLD and it will be burst/ full auto (depending on weapon)
18 Sep, '24
Captain Hydrodus MergedAs simple as it sounds, currently in the game the auto guns and burst have the ability to be swapped between each fire mode for example, the G3 and MP5 have a fire selector that allows burst, auto and semi-auto, I know the burst was supposed to be a particular pack's gimmick but it'd be nice to be able to set the MP5 to burst or the G3 into a semi-auto DMR, since it already has great accuracy to begin with. granted it's partly because I wanna see what the animation team will do for the swap especially for the recent TAS-12 with it being able to be Semi-auto or Pump-Action IRL.
19 Sep, '24
Snaex Admin"A Fire selector" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-09-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Sep, '24
Captain Hydrodusas of current we have 8 guns total that are able to do burst fire off the bat and for the sake of keeping things simple I'll be using their real names. (credit to IMFDB) the guns are as follows: Beretta 93R, H&K MP5A2, H&K MP7A2, Colt LE6920, FAMAS Valorisé, FN SCAR-H, H&K G3A3 and to an extent Panzer Arms BP12 (presumably after market parts) so it'd be nice being able to flick the guns on that list around the 3 basic fire modes since burst is handy for focusing targets and suppressing fire without eating your ammo reserves.
28 Oct, '24
Bubblepapa MergedWith the introduction of burst fire weapons in Houston breakout, it would be amazing to see the fire selector mode back again. Some weapons could even have their own unique modes so that it isn't all auto/semi only. Some of these could include:
Chanit S3: Burst / Auto
TAS-12: Pump action / Semi auto
Mosconi 12C: Single shot / Both shots -
28 Oct, '24
Snaex Admin"[Feedback] Add alternate fire modes to all weapons" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-10-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.